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First National Westwood - Werribee

Bob Westwood

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Bob's interest in the Werribee area and participation in community gatherings, as well as his passion for automobiles and long-standing issue with driving, have introduced him to a wider range of residents, financial experts, and Company delegates than he would have met had he worked out of his office for a long time. Bob became familiar with the neighbourhood Investor market and Commercial market through positions on boards of trustees and assistance in centre gatherings. Bob has decided to have some knowledge in Commercial and Industrial events over the last 20 years, and his expanding relationships and vast information has positioned him as a major wellspring of data for prospective designers. "The speciality of selling," as Bob puts it, hasn't changed in a long time; "the packaging may vary, but the standards haven't." Amazingly… He has received several governmental and public awards and continues to do so. He was named Salesperson of the Year in 2010. For a long time, he served as a member of the Victorian Council for First National, Chairman of Victoria for First National, National Board Director for First National, and held portfolios in First National for preparation and participation, as well as leading the organization's Membership task group. Bob has just taken a secondary lounge to let new people to assume those roles, having decided that fresh blood and new ideas are needed. Bob now serves as the Managing Director of First National Westwood and First National Westwood Commercial, after 40 or more years of service to his industry and community. These companies are overseen by a management team that includes his son, Rob Westwood, who is a current Victorian Director on the First National Board of Directors.
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Properties for sale by Bob Westwood
Development Approved

Werribee, VIC 3030

Property Type
Residential, Mixed Use
Land Area
1,278 m² (*approx)
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