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Agent Profile

Highland Commercial Property

Jaymie Kelly

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Jaymie Kelly's passion and enthusiasm for land sales, as well as her winning manner, have helped her advance professionally at Highland Property Agents. Jaymie joined Highland Property Agents as a business expert with prior land experience in 2016. She was assigned to David Highland's group in 2017 because of her experience with esteem and beachfront homes. Jaymie is well-liked by her clients and associates as a genuine social butterfly with concentrated energy and a practical mindset. Jaymie brings a fresh and exciting approach to your marketing efforts, with over 5 years of land experience, a range of finely calibrated deals and advertising skills, unfathomable certainty and enthusiasm, and wide local expertise. Jaymie's professional and results-oriented technique, ability to manage processes, and clever use of Highland Property Agents' purchaser information base to present your properties to a large number of prospective buyers will give you confidence that Jaymie is a true resource for your home's deal campaign.
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