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118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118

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118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118


Sold Check
+5 Photos

118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118


118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118

118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118

Properties / Sold / Queensland / Hillcrest
Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Mixed Use
Land Area
5,224 sqm (*approx)
Selling Method
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2. Property Highlights


Corner Development Site - Zoned Specialised Centre (Logan)

* Land area 5224m2*
* May suit Service Station / Child Care / Res & Office Development / Fast Food
* 100 metre* frontage on Anzac Avenue 
* 60 metre* frontage on Silvertop Street 
* Neighbouring Mt Lindsay Highway & Major Underpass accessing Grand Plaza Shopping Centre

Contact Brad Merkur or Simon Robertson



Ray White has not independently checked any of the information we merely pass on. We make no comment on and give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document which does not constitute all or any part of any offer or contract by the recipient. Prospective purchasers / lessees must rely on their own enquiries and should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. No duty of care is assumed by Orchid Avenue Realty trading as Ray White Surfers Paradise Commercial divisions toward the recipient with regard to the use of this information and all information given is given without responsibility.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Mixed Use
Land Area
5,224 sqm (*approx)
Selling method

2. Property Highlights


Corner Development Site - Zoned Specialised Centre (Logan)

* Land area 5224m2*
* May suit Service Station / Child Care / Res & Office Development / Fast Food
* 100 metre* frontage on Anzac Avenue 
* 60 metre* frontage on Silvertop Street 
* Neighbouring Mt Lindsay Highway & Major Underpass accessing Grand Plaza Shopping Centre

Contact Brad Merkur or Simon Robertson



Ray White has not independently checked any of the information we merely pass on. We make no comment on and give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document which does not constitute all or any part of any offer or contract by the recipient. Prospective purchasers / lessees must rely on their own enquiries and should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. No duty of care is assumed by Orchid Avenue Realty trading as Ray White Surfers Paradise Commercial divisions toward the recipient with regard to the use of this information and all information given is given without responsibility.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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3. Property Location

118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118

Property Map
118-132 Anzac Avenue & 3 Silvertop Street, Hillcrest, Qld 4118 Hillcrest