Set within the heart of bustling Union Road shopping village, a retail strip referred to as Melbourne's hidden gem, this well known commercial premises presents a unique opportunity. With prime positioning amid a dynamic mix of shops, cafés, and boutiques, the property offers a canvas ripe for transformation. The close proximity to public transport connections, including trams and nearby Ascot Vale Station, underpins its exceptional accessibility.
Key attributes of this offering include:
- An icon on Union Road
- A double-fronted retail expanse, promising prominent street presence
- Available for the first time in 60 years, marking its enduring appeal
- Occupying approximately 449m2, it offers a substantial space to realise a bespoke commercial environment STCA
- Situated in a high foot-traffic corridor ensuring maximum exposure
- Includes convenient rear laneway access
- A rear garden that presents potential for conversion to off-street parking
- A warehouse-style interior serves as a versatile space for a variety of business aspirations
This is a rare opportunity to shape a distinctive commercial space in a sought-after locale.
Set within the heart of bustling Union Road shopping village, a retail strip referred to as Melbourne's hidden gem, this well known commercial premises presents a unique opportunity. With prime positioning amid a dynamic mix of shops, cafés, and boutiques, the property offers a canvas ripe for transformation. The close proximity to public transport connections, including trams and nearby Ascot Vale Station, underpins its exceptional accessibility.
Key attributes of this offering include:
- An icon on Union Road
- A double-fronted retail expanse, promising prominent street presence
- Available for the first time in 60 years, marking its enduring appeal
- Occupying approximately 449m2, it offers a substantial space to realise a bespoke commercial environment STCA
- Situated in a high foot-traffic corridor ensuring maximum exposure
- Includes convenient rear laneway access
- A rear garden that presents potential for conversion to off-street parking
- A warehouse-style interior serves as a versatile space for a variety of business aspirations
This is a rare opportunity to shape a distinctive commercial space in a sought-after locale.