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18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608

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18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608


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+9 Photos

18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608


18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608

18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608

Properties / Sold / Victoria / Nagambie
Development Approved

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Sub Type
Child Care
Land Area
2,028 m² (*approx)
Selling Method
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2. Property Highlights

Childcare Development Site - SOLD!
  • SOLD!
  • Nagambie has a Childcare demand of 3.16
  • Lease: 10+10+10 with 3% annual increase

• Permitted Childcare centre with an annual rent of $268,800 plus GST per annum

• Highly experienced tenant with over 220 licensed places and a further 200 estimated places in development pipeline

• Long term Lease: 10+10+10 with 3% annual increase

• Architectural plans propose a single level, state of the art centre that includes generous staff areas, 4 walk in storage rooms, craft sinks for every playroom and large central kitchen with window servery

• Currently there is only one existing childcare centre in Nagambie which opened 35

years ago, with 3.16 children for every licensed place & families needing to travel to

adjacent towns to seek alternative childcare options

• Located close to several residential subdivisions either proposed or upcoming

• Substantial land size with great street appeal, only a short distance from the main

shopping district and Nagambie Railway Station only 450m away from the site

• Nagambie forms part of the Strathbogie Shire, a vibrant and progressive rural

municipality just 90 minutes from the Melbourne CBD along the Hume Highway

• 2 schools located within 1km of the site

• 8 housing developments under construction or upcoming in Nagambie for a total of 460+ new lots

• Positioned 130m from a 16-lot housing development and 300m from a sold out 82 lot housing development

• Land area: 2,028m2


Please contact Wendy Zhou 0422 011 188 to receive a detailed information memorandum.


ASL Real Estate and/or their agents, for themselves and for the vendor of this property for whom they act give notice that (i) All information given in relation to this property, whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility, (ii) Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy or truth of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. (iii) No person in the employment of ASL Property Group has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty.


By sending an enquiry to Australian Sales and Leasing you agree to be marketed to in the future for similar properties through email alerts/SMS messages. This is at NO COST to you and at any time you wish to cancel your subscription please simply reply STOP.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Approved

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Child Care
Land Area
2,028 m² (*approx)
Selling method

2. Property Highlights

Childcare Development Site - SOLD!
  • SOLD!
  • Nagambie has a Childcare demand of 3.16
  • Lease: 10+10+10 with 3% annual increase

• Permitted Childcare centre with an annual rent of $268,800 plus GST per annum

• Highly experienced tenant with over 220 licensed places and a further 200 estimated places in development pipeline

• Long term Lease: 10+10+10 with 3% annual increase

• Architectural plans propose a single level, state of the art centre that includes generous staff areas, 4 walk in storage rooms, craft sinks for every playroom and large central kitchen with window servery

• Currently there is only one existing childcare centre in Nagambie which opened 35

years ago, with 3.16 children for every licensed place & families needing to travel to

adjacent towns to seek alternative childcare options

• Located close to several residential subdivisions either proposed or upcoming

• Substantial land size with great street appeal, only a short distance from the main

shopping district and Nagambie Railway Station only 450m away from the site

• Nagambie forms part of the Strathbogie Shire, a vibrant and progressive rural

municipality just 90 minutes from the Melbourne CBD along the Hume Highway

• 2 schools located within 1km of the site

• 8 housing developments under construction or upcoming in Nagambie for a total of 460+ new lots

• Positioned 130m from a 16-lot housing development and 300m from a sold out 82 lot housing development

• Land area: 2,028m2


Please contact Wendy Zhou 0422 011 188 to receive a detailed information memorandum.


ASL Real Estate and/or their agents, for themselves and for the vendor of this property for whom they act give notice that (i) All information given in relation to this property, whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility, (ii) Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy or truth of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. (iii) No person in the employment of ASL Property Group has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty.


By sending an enquiry to Australian Sales and Leasing you agree to be marketed to in the future for similar properties through email alerts/SMS messages. This is at NO COST to you and at any time you wish to cancel your subscription please simply reply STOP.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Approved

3. Property Location

18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608

Property Map

4. Due Diligence

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  • Development Pipeline
  • Recent Transactions
  • Surrounding Amenity
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18-20 Centenary Crescent, Nagambie, VIC 3608 Nagambie