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222 Clarkes Road, BROOKFIELD, VIC 3338

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222 Clarkes Road, BROOKFIELD, VIC 3338


Sold Check
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222 Clarkes Road, BROOKFIELD, VIC 3338


222 Clarkes Road, BROOKFIELD, VIC 3338

222 Clarkes Road, BROOKFIELD, VIC 3338

Properties / Sold / Victoria / Brookfield
Development Approved

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Land Area
2,175 m² (*approx)
Selling Method
For Sale: SOLD!
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2. Property Highlights

SOLD! Childcare Development Site Investment
  • Permit Approved for 102 places
  • Strong demand of 8.52 Children per place
  • 8 schools within 3km of site

Childcare Development Site Investment


* Childcare Development site with Town Planning Permit for 102 Place childcare centre

* Plans include 6 children/s rooms, onsite parking for 22 vehicles and impressive outdoor play area

* Second to none location ideally positioned, only a 4 minute drive from Western Freeway on -ramp attracts 23,000 east- bound commuters daily

* Located in the City of Melton, which is predicted to increase in population from 141,453 in 2016 to 448,053 in 2051. An increase of 131.2%

* Strong demand for childcare in Brookfield of 8.52 children per place

* 8 schools within a 3km radius of the site with 7,353 children amongst them

* 114.84 hectares Scenic Botanica Estate Brookfield with 800 new homes right opposite the site along with 4 other major estate developments

* 5 minute drive to Melton Railway Station

For Sale - $1,900,000

Please contact Wendy Zhou 0422 011 188 or Guido Bonanni 0407 444 808 to receive a detailed information memorandum


ASL Real Estate and/or their agents, for themselves and for the vendor of this property for whom they act give notice that (i) All information given in relation to this property, whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility, (ii) Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy or truth of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. (iii) No person in the employment of ASL Property Group has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty.

By sending an enquiry to Australian Sales and Leasing you agree to be marketed to in the future for similar properties through email alerts/sms messages. This is at NO COST to you and at any time you wish to cancel your subscription please simply reply STOP.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Approved

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Land Area
2,175 m² (*approx)
Selling method
For Sale: SOLD!

2. Property Highlights

SOLD! Childcare Development Site Investment
  • Permit Approved for 102 places
  • Strong demand of 8.52 Children per place
  • 8 schools within 3km of site

Childcare Development Site Investment


* Childcare Development site with Town Planning Permit for 102 Place childcare centre

* Plans include 6 children/s rooms, onsite parking for 22 vehicles and impressive outdoor play area

* Second to none location ideally positioned, only a 4 minute drive from Western Freeway on -ramp attracts 23,000 east- bound commuters daily

* Located in the City of Melton, which is predicted to increase in population from 141,453 in 2016 to 448,053 in 2051. An increase of 131.2%

* Strong demand for childcare in Brookfield of 8.52 children per place

* 8 schools within a 3km radius of the site with 7,353 children amongst them

* 114.84 hectares Scenic Botanica Estate Brookfield with 800 new homes right opposite the site along with 4 other major estate developments

* 5 minute drive to Melton Railway Station

For Sale - $1,900,000

Please contact Wendy Zhou 0422 011 188 or Guido Bonanni 0407 444 808 to receive a detailed information memorandum


ASL Real Estate and/or their agents, for themselves and for the vendor of this property for whom they act give notice that (i) All information given in relation to this property, whether contained in this document or given orally, is given without responsibility, (ii) Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy or truth of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. (iii) No person in the employment of ASL Property Group has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty.

By sending an enquiry to Australian Sales and Leasing you agree to be marketed to in the future for similar properties through email alerts/sms messages. This is at NO COST to you and at any time you wish to cancel your subscription please simply reply STOP.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Approved

3. Property Location

222 Clarkes Road, BROOKFIELD, VIC 3338

Property Map

4. Due Diligence

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