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431 Nepean Highway, Frankston VIC 3199

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431 Nepean Highway, Frankston VIC 3199


Sold Check
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431 Nepean Highway, Frankston VIC 3199

431 Nepean Highway, Frankston VIC 3199

Properties / Sold / Victoria / Frankston
Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Sub Type
Office, Retail/Shopping Centre
Land Area
2,110 m² (*approx)
Local Government
Selling Method
For Sale: $8,900,000
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2. Property Highlights

The Sky's the Limit | Invest or Develop

Nichols Crowder is delighted to offer 431 Nepean Highway, Frankston to the market by private sale. 

'Chatsworth House', a multi-tenanted investment with 84% occupied by Government departments.

This three level office building commandingly sits in the heart of Frankston CBD with views across to the bay from the top level.

A significant site of some 2,110sqm* with 30m* of frontage to both Nepean Highway and Keys Street at the rear.

Adjoining Dan Murphy's and positioned directly opposite Bayside Shopping Centre, which is anchored by Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, Aldi, TK Max and Target, the property provides all the amenity at your doorstep.

Key features include:

* Total building area (over 3 levels): 5,567sqm*
* Total land area: 2,110sqm*
* 47 basement car park spaces
* Potential rent income: $1,000,000 p.a.*
* Freehold title with 30m* frontages to Nepean Highway and Keys Street
* 84% leased to Government tenants
* Favourable Commercial 1 Zoning
* Terms of sale 10% balance settlement 30/60/90 days
* Vendor terms available 30% deposit, balance over 5 years @ 8% interest

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact:

Linda Ellis – 0400 480 397
James Dodge – 0488 586 896
Jamie Stuart – 0412 565 562


* All information and measurements are approximates. All images subject to copyright. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.

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Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Office, Retail/Shopping Centre
Land Area
2,110 m² (*approx)
Local Government
Selling method
For Sale: $8,900,000

2. Property Highlights

The Sky's the Limit | Invest or Develop

Nichols Crowder is delighted to offer 431 Nepean Highway, Frankston to the market by private sale. 

'Chatsworth House', a multi-tenanted investment with 84% occupied by Government departments.

This three level office building commandingly sits in the heart of Frankston CBD with views across to the bay from the top level.

A significant site of some 2,110sqm* with 30m* of frontage to both Nepean Highway and Keys Street at the rear.

Adjoining Dan Murphy's and positioned directly opposite Bayside Shopping Centre, which is anchored by Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, Aldi, TK Max and Target, the property provides all the amenity at your doorstep.

Key features include:

* Total building area (over 3 levels): 5,567sqm*
* Total land area: 2,110sqm*
* 47 basement car park spaces
* Potential rent income: $1,000,000 p.a.*
* Freehold title with 30m* frontages to Nepean Highway and Keys Street
* 84% leased to Government tenants
* Favourable Commercial 1 Zoning
* Terms of sale 10% balance settlement 30/60/90 days
* Vendor terms available 30% deposit, balance over 5 years @ 8% interest

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact:

Linda Ellis – 0400 480 397
James Dodge – 0488 586 896
Jamie Stuart – 0412 565 562


* All information and measurements are approximates. All images subject to copyright. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.

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Development Potential

3. Property Location

431 Nepean Highway, Frankston VIC 3199

Property Map

4. Due Diligence

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