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53 Butler Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121

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53 Butler Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121


Sold Check
+7 Photos
53 Butler Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121

53 Butler Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121

Properties / Sold / Victoria / Richmond
Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Land Area
159 m² (*approx)
Selling Method
For Sale: Private Sale $795,000
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2. Property Highlights


Situated in a busy Richmond Commercial Zone with quick and easy access to Melbourne’s CBD

- Potential for multiple offices (STCA)

- Land: 6.2m x 25.6 (160m2) Approx.

- Commercial Zone 2

- 2 street frontage onto Little Butler Street

Walking distance to North Richmond Station and Victoria Street

NOTE: Artist impressions used are typical of what could be approved for the site

Conditions of entry - IDENTIFICATION and contact number required, otherwise entry may be refused.

The information about this property has been supplied to us by the property owner, while we have no cause to doubt its accuracy, we provide no guarantee. We cannot attest to the functionality of any fixtures, fittings or inclusions to the property. Land and apartment dimensions and floor/site plans are supplied by third parties. Typing mistakes, omissions, transposing can occur, we provide to assist but make no representation. Buyers must carry out their own due diligence.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Land Area
159 m² (*approx)
Selling method
For Sale: Private Sale $795,000

2. Property Highlights


Situated in a busy Richmond Commercial Zone with quick and easy access to Melbourne’s CBD

- Potential for multiple offices (STCA)

- Land: 6.2m x 25.6 (160m2) Approx.

- Commercial Zone 2

- 2 street frontage onto Little Butler Street

Walking distance to North Richmond Station and Victoria Street

NOTE: Artist impressions used are typical of what could be approved for the site

Conditions of entry - IDENTIFICATION and contact number required, otherwise entry may be refused.

The information about this property has been supplied to us by the property owner, while we have no cause to doubt its accuracy, we provide no guarantee. We cannot attest to the functionality of any fixtures, fittings or inclusions to the property. Land and apartment dimensions and floor/site plans are supplied by third parties. Typing mistakes, omissions, transposing can occur, we provide to assist but make no representation. Buyers must carry out their own due diligence.

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Potential

3. Property Location

53 Butler Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121

Property Map
53 Butler Street, RICHMOND, VIC 3121 Richmond