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Sold Check

67 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA, 6164

67 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA, 6164


Sold Check
67 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA, 6164

67 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA, 6164

Properties / Sold / Western Australia / Jandakot
Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Commercial, Industrial
Land Area
2,651 m² (*approx)
Selling Method
Under Offer: Reduced to $1,100,000 + GST
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2. Property Highlights


Reduced to $1,100,000 + GST

2,651sqm* vacant lot with hardstand and garrison fencing. This is the only parcel of development land available in Jandakot. Hold as hardstand or develop to your requirements.

Highly sought after location close to freeways, railway, Jandakot City & Cockburn Central. Priced to sell immediately.

For more information, please contact:
Russ Parham
M: 0499 552 255
E: [email protected]

Enrique Reyes
M: 0421 888 688
E: [email protected]


Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady 


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Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Commercial, Industrial
Land Area
2,651 m² (*approx)
Selling method
Under Offer: Reduced to $1,100,000 + GST

2. Property Highlights


Reduced to $1,100,000 + GST

2,651sqm* vacant lot with hardstand and garrison fencing. This is the only parcel of development land available in Jandakot. Hold as hardstand or develop to your requirements.

Highly sought after location close to freeways, railway, Jandakot City & Cockburn Central. Priced to sell immediately.

For more information, please contact:
Russ Parham
M: 0499 552 255
E: [email protected]

Enrique Reyes
M: 0421 888 688
E: [email protected]


Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady 


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Development Potential

3. Property Location

67 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA, 6164

Property Map
67 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA, 6164 Jandakot