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8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609

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8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609


Sold Check
+34 Photos
8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Industrial, Mixed Use
Sub Type
Land Site
Land Area
6,746 m² (*approx)
IZ2 (Industrial Mixed Use)
Selling Method
EOI: Expression of Interest closing Wed 22 May 2024
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2. Property Highlights

  • 6,746sqm Industrial Block Zoned IZ2
  • 82m Frontage with Dual Access Points
  • No GST Applicable

Raine & Horne Commercial are delighted to bring to the market 8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick for sale by EOI closing Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

8 Yallourn Street offers a rare opportunity in this tightly held industrial market for a passive investor, industrial or bulky goods occupier or developer to purchase a significantly sized site in Canberra's premier industrial and bulky goods precinct, Fyshwick, with IZ2 (Industrial Mixed Use) zoning.

Fyshwick, a bustling suburb merely 7.5km from Canberra's CBD, stands as a formidable industrial hub within the ACT. Traditionally hailed as Canberra's premier industrial precinct, Fyshwick has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis. Its industrial roots run deep, but it has expanded its repertoire to encompass a diverse array of bulky goods retail and commercial endeavours while still retaining its industrial essence. Situated strategically near the NSW border and Queanbeyan, and intersected by the Monaro Highway, a crucial artery linking the Snowy Mountains to the Hume Highway and Sydney, Fyshwick remains a pivotal location for industrial enterprises and economic growth.

Yallourn Street is located on the southern side of Fyshwick with easy access to Canberra Avenue, leading to the Monaro Highway and Federal Highway to the north, Cooma to the South and Queanbeyan to the East. Yallourn Street is a particularly wide street providing excellent truck movement, on and off street parking and a large turning circle at the end designed for the needs of heavy goods vehicles.

The property is a regular-shaped and flat block measuring approx. 6,746sqm* in area, largely comprising a gravel hardstand yard with two entry/exit points via secure gated access from Yallourn Street. Improvements on the site include a standalone single-level showroom/office building of approximately 400sqm at the front of the site, an associated courtyard area which is currently used as a tile display area and a metal shed in the yard.

The showroom/office fitout comprises automatic double entry sliding doors to the entry foyer, a grid ceiling, 3 wall-mounted reverse cycle air conditioning units, a mix of tiled and carpeted floor coverings, plasterboard walls and amenities including 2 separate toilets and kitchenette.

The property is currently leased to Davtam Pty Ltd (trading as Amber Tiles) on a net lease (tenant pays outgoings) at below-market rent who are currently holding over on a month-to-month basis. The incoming owner will therefore have the opportunity to re-negotiate the lease terms with the current tenant or provide notice for them to vacate and ultimately gain possession.

Key features include:

• Rare opportunity in a particularly tightly held industrial market with limited land release

• Excellent location with good access from Canberra Avenue

• 6,746sqm* block comprising mostly hardstand plus a range of improvements

• Regular-shaped and flat block with 82m* frontage and two entry/exit points

• Wide range of permitted uses including 'general industry' and 'caretaker's residence'

• Offered for sale as a going concern (GST not applicable)

8 Yallourn Street is offered for sale by Expression of Interest closing 5pm, Wednesday 22nd May 2024. For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact the exclusive selling agent, Mark Nicholls of Raine & Horne Commercial Canberra.

* Approx

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Potential

1. Property Summary

Property Type
Industrial, Mixed Use
Land Site
Land Area
6,746 m² (*approx)
IZ2 (Industrial Mixed Use)
Selling method
EOI: Expression of Interest closing Wed 22 May 2024

2. Property Highlights

  • 6,746sqm Industrial Block Zoned IZ2
  • 82m Frontage with Dual Access Points
  • No GST Applicable

Raine & Horne Commercial are delighted to bring to the market 8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick for sale by EOI closing Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

8 Yallourn Street offers a rare opportunity in this tightly held industrial market for a passive investor, industrial or bulky goods occupier or developer to purchase a significantly sized site in Canberra's premier industrial and bulky goods precinct, Fyshwick, with IZ2 (Industrial Mixed Use) zoning.

Fyshwick, a bustling suburb merely 7.5km from Canberra's CBD, stands as a formidable industrial hub within the ACT. Traditionally hailed as Canberra's premier industrial precinct, Fyshwick has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis. Its industrial roots run deep, but it has expanded its repertoire to encompass a diverse array of bulky goods retail and commercial endeavours while still retaining its industrial essence. Situated strategically near the NSW border and Queanbeyan, and intersected by the Monaro Highway, a crucial artery linking the Snowy Mountains to the Hume Highway and Sydney, Fyshwick remains a pivotal location for industrial enterprises and economic growth.

Yallourn Street is located on the southern side of Fyshwick with easy access to Canberra Avenue, leading to the Monaro Highway and Federal Highway to the north, Cooma to the South and Queanbeyan to the East. Yallourn Street is a particularly wide street providing excellent truck movement, on and off street parking and a large turning circle at the end designed for the needs of heavy goods vehicles.

The property is a regular-shaped and flat block measuring approx. 6,746sqm* in area, largely comprising a gravel hardstand yard with two entry/exit points via secure gated access from Yallourn Street. Improvements on the site include a standalone single-level showroom/office building of approximately 400sqm at the front of the site, an associated courtyard area which is currently used as a tile display area and a metal shed in the yard.

The showroom/office fitout comprises automatic double entry sliding doors to the entry foyer, a grid ceiling, 3 wall-mounted reverse cycle air conditioning units, a mix of tiled and carpeted floor coverings, plasterboard walls and amenities including 2 separate toilets and kitchenette.

The property is currently leased to Davtam Pty Ltd (trading as Amber Tiles) on a net lease (tenant pays outgoings) at below-market rent who are currently holding over on a month-to-month basis. The incoming owner will therefore have the opportunity to re-negotiate the lease terms with the current tenant or provide notice for them to vacate and ultimately gain possession.

Key features include:

• Rare opportunity in a particularly tightly held industrial market with limited land release

• Excellent location with good access from Canberra Avenue

• 6,746sqm* block comprising mostly hardstand plus a range of improvements

• Regular-shaped and flat block with 82m* frontage and two entry/exit points

• Wide range of permitted uses including 'general industry' and 'caretaker's residence'

• Offered for sale as a going concern (GST not applicable)

8 Yallourn Street is offered for sale by Expression of Interest closing 5pm, Wednesday 22nd May 2024. For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact the exclusive selling agent, Mark Nicholls of Raine & Horne Commercial Canberra.

* Approx

Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

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Development Potential

3. Property Location

8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609

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4. Due Diligence

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8 Yallourn Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609 Fyshwick